How to Book
Click on the green ‘Book Now’ button – this will take you through to the Harmony Dog Training Simply Book It page where you will see all the different courses available. If you have never booked with us before you will need to make sure you buy a New Customer Administration fee too, the time of this doesn’t matter.
- Select the service you would like.
- Select the time.
- You will then be taken to the login page where there are two options:
- Existing client login on the left-hand side.
- New clients to complete the sign up on the right-hand side.
- Next complete the form on the next page – here you will see course/class date and the price.
- Read and tick the Terms and Conditions box (these can be read by clicking on the link or see below).
- Confirm order.
- You will then go through to payment details – fill in card details and click the payment button which takes you to the payment confirmation page.
- You will then receive an email confirming your booking with the name of your course and the dates. Along with another email with your invoice attached.

Harmony Professional Dog Training terms and conditions
- Bookings and Payment
Payment in full at time of booking for sessions on given dates, no refunds are given for non-attendance and no alternatives offered. Confirmation of your booking will be forwarded by email. We limit the number of dogs in our classes and therefore cannot guarantee a place until payment has been received and a confirmation sent. We reserve the right to excuse dogs that become either too anxious or reactive. Cancelled sessions will not be refunded. In cases where we need to rearrange a session, an alternative session will be offered, or a credit given at our discretion.
- Training Methods and Equipment required
We use positive, reward-based training and promote methods which are kind, fair, engaging and fun for you and your dog. Harsh handling of dogs, physical force and the use of punitive methods, punishment, corrections or equipment designed to be aversive (including choke chains, prong collars, spray collars, e-collars or any other device deemed unacceptable by us) are not permitted in classes. In addition, flexi leads (extending leads) and slip leads are not permitted at classes to avoid injury.
- Welfare
a. When arriving in class please ensure that your dogs are kept on the lead and not allowed to interact with other dogs
b. We train outside in all weathers, please ensure that you have appropriate clothes and footwear for the conditions. Open toed sandals are not permitted. Please provide a coat for your dog as required.
c. The advice given in our session is general advice only, if specific advice is sought you will need to book onto a behavioural 121 consultation. We cannot take responsibility for misinterpretation of advice. Whilst we hope you find the information and guidance given interesting and informative, the contents are for general information only. We believe the contents to be true and accurate as at the date of the session but can give no assurances or warranty regarding the accuracy, currency or applicability of any of the contents in relation to specific situations and to particular circumstances.
d. Classes will start promptly at the published start times, dogs may be stressed by arriving late so it is important to arrive promptly.
- Suitability of Dogs
By booking a place at a session and therefore agreeing to these Terms and Conditions, you are accepting full responsibility for the protection of your dog from the potential risk of disease, including internal and external parasites. We accept no responsibility for the potential or actual exposure of dogs to diseases when attending classes.
a. Assistance dogs may attend free of charge unless participating in the session
b. Dogs who we consider to be in an unfit state of health will not be allowed to participate
c. If your dog becomes poorly after attending one of our classes we accept no liability
d. Please do not bring your dog to classes if it has been in contact with another dog infected by a contagious disease or if it appears to be unwell.
e. Vaccination certificates must be provided on or before the first session, failure to provide this will mean that your puppy cannot participate.
f. Please ensure that you are up to date on your flea and worming treatment.
g. Bitches in season cannot participate, please notify us if you consider that your bitch may come into season during the course so that we can make alternative arrangements.
- Photos & Marketing
Photographs may occasionally be taken during classes. Such photos may be used by us for the purposes of marketing. If you do not wish for photos of you and / or your dog to be used or shared, please let us know in advance of the session. Written feedback may be used for marketing purposes. If you would prefer us not to use your feedback in this way, please let us know. Please see our separate privacy for further information on marketing and privacy.
- Safety
a. Any instances of accident or injury must be reported to the session instructor at the time they occurred.
b. Please ensure that your dogs remain on the lead and under control as they exit your car and as you make your way to the class.
c. Dogs must wear a collar and ID tags and remain on lead throughout, unless specifically advised otherwise for a particular exercise only.
d. Dogs must be kept away from contact with other dogs, unless specifically advised for the duration of a particular exercise only.
e. Children are very welcome to attend classes. We ask that adults ensure that children do not approach or touch any dogs without appropriate supervision and permission. We accept no responsibility for children at classes and it is the responsibility of the supervising adult to ensure the children’s safety at all times. In addition, children must not be allowed to disrupt the learning and we reserve the right to ask for disruptive children not to be brought to classes in the future. Young people under 16 must be accompanied by an adult.
f. We make every effort to ensure the safety of you and your dog(s) during classes. By making a booking with us, you are accepting that participating in an activity with dogs, children and adults poses a risk of injury to yourself and your dog, and you agree to indemnify us for all personal injury and damage to property while attending a session. You agree to assume full responsibility for any risks, injuries or damages, known or unknown, which might occur as a result of you and / or your dog attending classes. Handlers and/or owners remain responsible for their dogs at all times and are advised to ensure they have adequate pet or household insurance cover for liability in the unlikely event of damage or injury caused by their dog to property or to a third party.
- Coronavirus
All customers are asked not to attend if they or anyone in their household have symptoms or are isolating.